Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Nashville bound and down...

That is where I was today.  I went in to work and then headed to my surgeons office at Vanderbilt Health.  I took a few photos along the way.  You know the kind I am talking about.  
When you are driving 78 M.P.H and roll down your window 
and just point and shoot.  Love the little Nikon.  I was always a loyal Cannon user. 
Especially with point and shoot type cameras but this little gem is nifty indeed.  
Yep, that is what I did.
South bound I-65 and Nashville, TN.

Then I ended up at Vanderbilt Health.  Where I received great news on my weight-loss. 
It really just gets me pumped and ready for ZUMBA tomorrow night!

So, for my "Photo A Day" picture I chose Vanderbilt.  

I got home around 5:20 P.M. and was surprised how well the traffic moved going through downtown.
I guess I am still tainted scarred from years in Atlanta traffic.  But oh the memories of slow lanes at rush hour.  Yes, they can be found in Nashville, too.

1 comment:

Sasha Farina said...

oh i KNOW what you mean... driving and snappping photos! heee!! congrats on your great news!! *hugs*